Driving Efficiency and Accelerating Business Growth

In today’s fast-paced digital world, software development and delivery have become increasingly complex. The need for faster releases, improved quality, and greater efficiency has made DevOps an essential practice for businesses of all sizes.

6+ Years Mature Dedicated Practice

Different Industry experience helping global clients transform.

Our pragmatic solution and underlying principles is designed to meet BMS business objectives

DevSecOps teams aligned to products/value stream construct

Shifting from project to product mindset aligning with value stream with full stack accountability

Process & Practice Change Management

Process changes to handle multi-speed IT, along with cultural & mindset change; training & coaching; change communication

Full stack, path to production automation with in-built security

End to end DevSecOps automation, Infra-as-code automation leveraging bakery model for immutable environment, code promotion and change approval automation

Scaling up DevSecOps capabilities across the Org.

Setting up Agile and DevSecOps capabilities and scaling them to higher maturity level gradually

We will leverage

Our Reference model to
assess current state

Continuous planning

  • Continuously groomed product backlog
  • Done means “release”
  • Automated Bi-directional requirement traceability
  • Automated ALM state transition

Continuous build & integration

  • Single code line – aka master branch
  • Feature branching model (1 user story = 1 feature branch = 1 … n developer)
  • Gated check-in (master is always deployable)
  • Technology debt mgmt.. as definition of done
  • Security analysis and resolution

Continuous delivery

Build once deploy everywhere
Template based deploy/rollback automation
Automated code promotion criteria
Model & change based deployment validation
Blue-Green deployment model
DevOps pipeline dashboard

Continuous delivery
Continuous environment

Continuous environment

Immutable environment
Automated environment spin-up & free up
Infrastructure as code
Dynamic scaling & Resiliency

Continuous Test

API test to augment UI scenarios; service virtualization
Behavior & Test driven development
Performance, Scale and security penetration In sprint automation
Test automation script as code
Test mimics production

Continuous Test
Continuous monitoring and healing

Continuous monitoring and healing

Feature toggle
Test in production; Chaos engineering
Log analytics and proactive monitoring
Real time fault isolation & self healing
Automated issue ticket creation

Choose Your Plan

DevOps Team

  • 176 hours of dedicated developer deployment
  • 7 days Free Trial
  • Monthly Billing
  • Pay as you go

Full Development Contract

  • Dedicated Scrum Allotment
  • Total ownership
  • Single point of contact
  • Complete control on development

Weekly Newsletter

2023 @ All rights reserved Profices

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